nfs handles/lifetime

Nathan Lawson (
Mon, 8 May 1995 19:48:09 -0700 (PDT)

Since an NFS filehandle is derived from the inode characteristics, it never
changes, except when an admin uses fsirand.

Now, since all access checking is done with mountd, won't an exported system
still be available for access if you have its old filehandle even though the
admin takes its entry out of /etc/exports?  For instance, let's say A is a
server, and B is its client.  A exports /usr to B.

B mounts A:/usr and writes down the filehandle.  A decides to stop exporting
/usr and removes it from the exports file.  Can B still access files in /usr?

I did strings(1) on various vendors' nfsds, and found that about half of them
had /etc/exports in them.  Can anyone elaborate on this?

Nathan Lawson     \    Never let your schooling interfere with your education.
CSL 490/News Admin \
(805)756-7180 @Work \  "The steady state of disks is full."  -- Ken Thompson